October 11, 2023
Athlete Player Development - Session 2

Unleashing the Elite Performer Within: Understanding Who You Are!

Unleashing the Elite Performer Within: Understanding Who You Are!

Pick your time:
Time A
Time B
Time C
Time D
Pick your tier:
Tier 1
  • 45-Minute Virtual Speech
  • 2 Worksheets
  • 1 Letter
  • Community Text
Tier 2
  • 45-Minute Virtual Speech
  • 2 Worksheets
  • 1 Letter
  • Community Text
  • 2 personal pre-recorded videos
  • Discounted In person speech

Welcome to the second session of our Athlete Player Development Series! In this dynamic session, titled "Unleashing The Elite Performer Within: Understanding Who You Are!" we dive into the heart of personal transformation. Join us for an illuminating exploration of how self-awareness and identity shape your journey toward becoming an elite performer in the world of sports.

Join us for an enriching session that unravels the intricacies of personal growth and performance enhancement. By understanding who you are, you'll unlock the door to unleashing the elite performer within and reaching new heights in your athletic pursuits.

This session is tailored for:

  • Athletes at various stages of their career, seeking to unlock their full potential.
  • Coaches and mentors interested in enhancing their athletes' self-awareness and performance.
  • High school athletic programs aiming to provide their student-athletes with tools for growth and success.
  • Individuals passionate about understanding the link between identity and exceptional athletic achievement.
  • 1. Discovering Core Identity: Delve into the process of discovering and defining your core identity as an athlete. Understand how knowing who you are lays the groundwork for exceptional performance.
  • 2. Developing Distinctive Strengths: Uncover your distinctive strengths and talents that set you apart. Learn how to leverage these assets to excel in your athletic endeavors.
  • 3. Defining Clear Direction: Craft clear and compelling goals that align with your unique identity. Explore how setting focused objectives propels you forward on your journey to excellence.
  • 4. Deepening Mental Resilience: Dive into strategies for cultivating mental resilience and overcoming obstacles. Gain insights into how self-awareness fortifies your mindset in the face of challenges.
  • 5. Driving Disciplined Habits: Understand the role of disciplined habits in consistently performing at your best. Learn how your identity informs the development of effective routines.
$ 775.00 USD

Welcome to the second session of our Athlete Player Development Series! In this dynamic session, titled "Unleashing The Elite Performer Within: Understanding Who You Are!" we dive into the heart of personal transformation. Join us for an illuminating exploration of how self-awareness and identity shape your journey toward becoming an elite performer in the world of sports.