October 18, 2023
Corporate Professional Development - Session 2

Discover, Reconnect, and Realign To Your Mission: Navigating Purposeful Pathways

Discover, Reconnect, and Realign To Your Mission: Navigating Purposeful Pathways

Pick your time:
Time A
Time B
Time C
Time D
Pick your tier:
Tier 1
  • 45-60 Minute Virtual Speech
  • Worksheet
  • 1 Letter to the staff
  • Community Text
Tier 2
  • 45-60 Minute Virtual Speech
  • Worksheet
  • 1 Letter to the staff
  • Community Text
  • 2 personal pre-recorded videos
  • Discounted In person speech

Welcome to the second session of our Corporate Professional Development Series for Leaders and Employees! Join us for an enlightening session titled "Discover, Reconnect, and Realign To Your Mission: Navigating Purposeful Pathways." In this session, participants will embark on a journey of self-discovery, allowing them to realign their actions and goals with their core mission, fostering a sense of purpose and direction.

This session is designed for:

  • Corporate leaders, managers, and supervisors seeking to enhance their leadership effectiveness.
  • Employees at all levels who aspire to maximize their potential and contribute to a high-performance workplace.
  • 1. Deepen Discovery: Deepen your understanding of your personal and professional mission, rekindling your sense of purpose.
  • 2. Dive into Reflection: Dive into reflective practices that help you reconnect with your initial motivations and values.
  • 3. Develop Actionable Plan: Develop an actionable plan to realign your daily practices and actions with your mission, creating harmonious impact.
  • 4. Direct Collaborative Efforts: Direct collaborative efforts towards shared organizational values, enhancing a cohesive work environment.
  • 5. Drive Accountability: Drive individual and collective accountability by integrating mission-driven objectives into performance metrics.
$ 5,000.00 USD

Welcome to the second session of our Corporate Professional Development Series for Leaders and Employees! Join us for an enlightening session titled "Discover, Reconnect, and Realign To Your Mission: Navigating Purposeful Pathways." In this session, participants will embark on a journey of self-discovery, allowing them to realign their actions and goals with their core mission, fostering a sense of purpose and direction.