January 31, 2024
Corporate Professional Development - Session 5

Champion, Competitor, or Complacent: Defining Your Narrative in the Organizational Locker Room

Champion, Competitor, or Complacent: Defining Your Narrative in the Organizational Locker Room

Pick your time:
Time A
Time B
Time C
Time D
Pick your tier:
Tier 1
  • 45-60 Minute Virtual Speech
  • Worksheet
  • 1 Letter to the staff
  • Community Text
Tier 2
  • 45-60 Minute Virtual Speech
  • Worksheet
  • 1 Letter to the staff
  • Community Text
  • 2 personal pre-recorded videos
  • Discounted In person speech

Discover the power of workplace mindsets – Champion, Competitor, and Complacent – in this engaging presentation. Explore how these mindsets influence behaviors, teamwork, and outcomes. Through interactive exercises, uncover your dominant mindset, learn strategies to leverage its strengths, and gain insights into fostering a thriving work environment.

This session is designed for:

  • Corporate leaders, managers, and supervisors seeking to enhance their leadership effectiveness.
  • Employees at all levels who aspire to maximize their potential and contribute to a high-performance workplace.
  • Identify Your Mindset: Gain a deeper understanding of your predominant workplace mindset – Champion, Competitor, or Complacent.
  • Self-Awareness: Develop a heightened awareness of your strengths, growth areas, and how your mindset influences your interactions and contributions.
  • Behavioral Strategies: Learn practical techniques to enhance your chosen mindset and align it with your career goals and personal development.
  • Team Synergy: Explore how the interplay of different mindsets impacts team dynamics, and discover strategies to foster collaboration and minimize conflict.
  • Leadership Approaches: Acquire leadership insights tailored to each mindset, allowing you to lead and inspire others more effectively.
$ 5,000.00 USD

Discover the power of workplace mindsets – Champion, Competitor, and Complacent – in this engaging presentation. Explore how these mindsets influence behaviors, teamwork, and outcomes. Through interactive exercises, uncover your dominant mindset, learn strategies to leverage its strengths, and gain insights into fostering a thriving work environment.